Just a quick reminder of how things work: no matter how hard shit hits the fan, there's always something that'll make you feel good about yourself and will help you forget about all your problems. Instantly! I'm grateful to have found that little thing that helps me move forward. When life gives you lemons, cut two slices and give them to me! I have a flu and i could use some tea!
Love you! And everyone around you...but especially you! Yea, you!
Now back to work! Toodles!!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
It is what it is!
what is it?
Hello! I've suddenly remembered i own a blog. Hello blog! It's been almost two years!
quick songie for your mellow hearts!
i forgot how this shistuff works!
It is what it is!
this post was sponsored by the ADHD people from your city
Hello! I've suddenly remembered i own a blog. Hello blog! It's been almost two years!
quick songie for your mellow hearts!
i forgot how this shistuff works!
It is what it is!
this post was sponsored by the ADHD people from your city
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Cand nesimtirea atinge cote maxime
Cum iti poti da seama cand nesimtirea atinge cote maxime? Atunci cand, intr-o perioada cu mare insemnatate politica, cu cateva zile inainte de ziua ta de cetatean cu drept de vot, primesti un plic frumos in posta.
Penibil! Ma intreb daca anul viitor, tinand cont ca nu mai sunt alegeri, ma va baga in seama vreun carmaci d-asta al tarii. Inutil sa mai zic ca nu ma duc la vot! Din nou, PENIBIL!
Penibil! Ma intreb daca anul viitor, tinand cont ca nu mai sunt alegeri, ma va baga in seama vreun carmaci d-asta al tarii. Inutil sa mai zic ca nu ma duc la vot! Din nou, PENIBIL!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Mega-giga-super-boombastic life updates.
Noiembrie e cea mai faina luna. Pentru ca asa, spre mijlocul lunii, e un eveniment foarte mega-giga-super-boombastic care face ca toata luna sa fie la fel de mega-giga-super-boombastica. Si ca sa continui cu o tema la fel de mega-giga-super-boombastica, incepe sa mi se acreasca de bucuresti. Na! L-am scris cu b mic, ca sa stie ca nu-mi pasa de dansul. Desi s-au intamplat lucruri dragute de la a doua venire (a mea in bucuresti, nu altceva), de cateva zile incep sa ma zgarie pe creier anumite chestii, cum ar fi claxoanele care incep undeva pe la ora 6-7 dimineata si continua pana seara, aglomeratia exagerata, galagia de oameni din jurul facultatii, care, apropo, ma calca si ea pe nervi (astept de 3 saptamani sa dau de o duduie care cica tre' a-mi face mie nu stiu ce fel de cere pentru o adeverinta pentru medicu' de familie, si pe care evident ca n-o gasesc, fie ca ma duc cand are ea program au ba). La fel de 'zgarietor-pe-creier' e faptul ca weekendul asta am ramas fara principala sursa de ocupatie si anume, cel care tocmai a implinit 40 de ani...da, el, doar el, internetul. Ametitii, care de fapt e unul singur cred, dar la cat e de ametit, poa' sa fie si la plural, au uitat sa isi chinuie calculatoriul si sa ma bifeze si pe mine pe acolo, cum ca as fi platit, asta dupa ce m-am invartit o ora prin Piata Natiunilor Unite. Noroc ca aveam bonul.
On the other hand, vorba romanului, o alta chestie la fel de mega-giga-super-boombastica a fost faptul ca mi-am cam facut din Silver Church a doua casa. Joi mi-am cheltuit banii la Urma, dar a meritat fiecare banut, si cum am mai zis, poate meritau chiar mai multi. Noaptea mi-am petrecut-o la amicul Raducu,ca de...lenea e cucoana mare, si el sta mai aproape. Asa ca vineri am fost paralele cu viata. Spre seara primesc un telefon de la o persoana foarte draga mie, si cum persoanele foarte dragi tie nu se refuza m-am trezit ca ma imbrac sa merg la Kumm. Bilet mai scump, dar lume mai multa ca la Urma, ceva invitati, adica doua dudui care cantau foarte fain si culmea, al TREIlea invitat, monsieur Adi Despot, a carui aparitie i-a cauzat un soc persoanei foarte dragi mie. Ce-i drept, a cantat 'Curse' mai bine ca Oigan himself, ceea ce e o treaba :P
Una din cele mai mega-giga-super-boombastice treaburi din ultima vreme a fost ca weekendul trecut am fost gazde pentru prietenii,concitadinii si din nou prietenii de la iCoRy, intrucat voiau ei sa vada tara cat de tari sunt si s-au inscris la Maximum Rock.
poza obligatorie : 'Cat de tari suntem'
Ca sa vedeti ca nu v-am mintit, chiar au fost tari...si va rog sa-mi remarcati veleitatile de cameraman
Deja o lungesc prea mult, a terminat si masina tura de spalat, asa ca ma duc sa ma ocup de respectiva mega-giga-super-boombastica activitate.
Noroc mega-giga-super-boombastic!
On the other hand, vorba romanului, o alta chestie la fel de mega-giga-super-boombastica a fost faptul ca mi-am cam facut din Silver Church a doua casa. Joi mi-am cheltuit banii la Urma, dar a meritat fiecare banut, si cum am mai zis, poate meritau chiar mai multi. Noaptea mi-am petrecut-o la amicul Raducu,ca de...lenea e cucoana mare, si el sta mai aproape. Asa ca vineri am fost paralele cu viata. Spre seara primesc un telefon de la o persoana foarte draga mie, si cum persoanele foarte dragi tie nu se refuza m-am trezit ca ma imbrac sa merg la Kumm. Bilet mai scump, dar lume mai multa ca la Urma, ceva invitati, adica doua dudui care cantau foarte fain si culmea, al TREIlea invitat, monsieur Adi Despot, a carui aparitie i-a cauzat un soc persoanei foarte dragi mie. Ce-i drept, a cantat 'Curse' mai bine ca Oigan himself, ceea ce e o treaba :P
Una din cele mai mega-giga-super-boombastice treaburi din ultima vreme a fost ca weekendul trecut am fost gazde pentru prietenii,concitadinii si din nou prietenii de la iCoRy, intrucat voiau ei sa vada tara cat de tari sunt si s-au inscris la Maximum Rock.
poza obligatorie : 'Cat de tari suntem'
Ca sa vedeti ca nu v-am mintit, chiar au fost tari...si va rog sa-mi remarcati veleitatile de cameraman
Deja o lungesc prea mult, a terminat si masina tura de spalat, asa ca ma duc sa ma ocup de respectiva mega-giga-super-boombastica activitate.
Noroc mega-giga-super-boombastic!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Late night moments of wisdom
Anto: drum bun, dear
Bogdy: thank you, my beloved
Anto: me gonna go watch a muvi now
Anto: saluta bucurestiul
Anto: that is as lame as it sounded
Bogdy: sure
Bogdy: go
Bogdy: a movie is more important than your dear going away
Anto: can't do anything 'bout that now
Anto: can i have za permission?
Bogdy: sure
Bogdy: just
Bogdy: go
Bogdy: leave me in my nothingness
Bogdy: for i shall drown my sorrow in this cup that i raise upon my head
Bogdy: above
Bogdy: *
Anto: i can only promise a sea of beers.. when you return
Anto: ?
Bogdy: the bitter taste will only remind me of thy bitterness i have lived in this night
Anto: would you rather drink sth else?
Anto: my dearest?
Bogdy: why would we all think of drinking in this moment of sadness and grief?
Anto: it's one of the things that makes us happy... fast
Bogdy: but what is happiness, after all?
Bogdy: just the feeling of butterflies flying in your stomach
Bogdy: that nor the money, nor the fortunes will ever bring into thy life of a mortal one
Anto: and bats in your brain
Bogdy: dude, this british talkin shit really got to me
Bogdy: )
Anto: bogdi?
Bogdy: da?
Anto: plec ca ma sperii
Bogdy: i'll blog this
Tomorrow i'm off to the big city! Hope i'll survive.
new logo... Click
Cheerioz grasshoppers!
Bogdy: thank you, my beloved
Anto: me gonna go watch a muvi now
Anto: saluta bucurestiul
Anto: that is as lame as it sounded
Bogdy: sure
Bogdy: go
Bogdy: a movie is more important than your dear going away
Anto: can't do anything 'bout that now
Anto: can i have za permission?
Bogdy: sure
Bogdy: just
Bogdy: go
Bogdy: leave me in my nothingness
Bogdy: for i shall drown my sorrow in this cup that i raise upon my head
Bogdy: above
Bogdy: *
Anto: i can only promise a sea of beers.. when you return
Anto: ?
Bogdy: the bitter taste will only remind me of thy bitterness i have lived in this night
Anto: would you rather drink sth else?
Anto: my dearest?
Bogdy: why would we all think of drinking in this moment of sadness and grief?
Anto: it's one of the things that makes us happy... fast
Bogdy: but what is happiness, after all?
Bogdy: just the feeling of butterflies flying in your stomach
Bogdy: that nor the money, nor the fortunes will ever bring into thy life of a mortal one
Anto: and bats in your brain
Bogdy: dude, this british talkin shit really got to me
Bogdy: )
Anto: bogdi?
Bogdy: da?
Anto: plec ca ma sperii
Bogdy: i'll blog this
Tomorrow i'm off to the big city! Hope i'll survive.
new logo... Click
Cheerioz grasshoppers!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
it's a sad sad situation...
Bogdy: yea...true
Bogdy: sad
Bogdy: but true
dome: yes
dome: sad
Bogdy: yes
Bogdy: :-<
Bogdy: sad
dome: very sad
dome: :(
Bogdy: yes
Bogdy: very sad indeed
dome: yes
dome: very
dome: :(
Bogdy: indeed
Bogdy: sad
dome: yes
dome: sad indeed
dome: very
Bogdy: yes
Bogdy: very
dome: yes
dome: :(
Bogdy: yes
dome: sad
dome: :(
Bogdy: very sad indeed
dome: yes
Bogdy: of course
dome: indeed
Bogdy: gettin kind emo, doncha think?
dome: indeed
dome: that's sad
dome: :(
Bogdy: yes...very sad indeed...
dome: yes
Bogdy: yes
and a little something
Au revoir!
Bogdy: sad
Bogdy: but true
dome: yes
dome: sad
Bogdy: yes
Bogdy: :-<
Bogdy: sad
dome: very sad
dome: :(
Bogdy: yes
Bogdy: very sad indeed
dome: yes
dome: very
dome: :(
Bogdy: indeed
Bogdy: sad
dome: yes
dome: sad indeed
dome: very
Bogdy: yes
Bogdy: very
dome: yes
dome: :(
Bogdy: yes
dome: sad
dome: :(
Bogdy: very sad indeed
dome: yes
Bogdy: of course
dome: indeed
Bogdy: gettin kind emo, doncha think?
dome: indeed
dome: that's sad
dome: :(
Bogdy: yes...very sad indeed...
dome: yes
Bogdy: yes
and a little something
Au revoir!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Rock out with ya cock out !!!
Tonight i'm off to Satu Mare with my friends from Spuza (http://myspace.com/spuzaband). This will be my first gig after almost a year of hiatus, so wish me luck. I will suck as hell! Long trip, one and a half hour to spend in a train station, learning for my driver's license examen, fun, fun, fun :))
Sunday, August 2, 2009
nothing to say...3 clips...3 pics...and that's all...
Like someone said at the NIN concert "Dude, we just saw God !"
If i'll make it to FNM's gig, and knowing that Guano Apes are coming to bucharest, somewhere at the beginning of september, i can say, without any second thoughts, that now i can die hapilly. yay.
Nine Inch Nails - Wish, Live @ CokeLive Peninsula, Tg Mures, 25.07.2009 from bogdi cristea on Vimeo.
Nine Inch Nails - The Hand That Feeds, Live @ CokeLive Peninsula, Tg Mures, 25.07.2009 from bogdi cristea on Vimeo.
Nine Inch Nails - Hurt, Live @ CokeLive Peninsula, Tg Mures, 25.07.2009 from bogdi cristea on Vimeo.
Like someone said at the NIN concert "Dude, we just saw God !"
If i'll make it to FNM's gig, and knowing that Guano Apes are coming to bucharest, somewhere at the beginning of september, i can say, without any second thoughts, that now i can die hapilly. yay.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Rock and roll sunday
This is it! We saw Limp Bizkit yesterday night. Although the day didn't start very nice, considering the fact that i had an exam, everything turned out to be be just great. After torturing my brain with all kind of mathematical stuff, i got a very nice reward. We got there (Arenele Romane) somewhere around 16.00 - 16.30, mainly because i was late :P There weren't a lot of people when we arrived but people started to come after Saga started playing.
At first, we decided to wait patiently in the back, somewhere in the shade, so we didn't get too involved in the Saga gig. Few minutes later i met with my good pal, Cristi, the wonder drummer, and our little gang started to get big =)
At 18.30 (or at least that's what i remember), Queensryche (i hope i typed that correctly) started to play. And the rain started to fall, but most of the people didn't seem to care about that. Queensryche had a nice gig, and they also played some tracks from their new album, but still, they weren't exactly my type, as i'm not in metal that much anymore.
Finally, around 21.00, the moment we've all been waiting for arrived. After a quick intro ( Space Odyssey), the Jacksonville quintette started to rock the house for one and a half hour.
They played all their classics, including My Generation, Livin' It Up, Hot Dog, Break Stuff, Boiler, Eat You Alive. Needless to say, the rain was ignored by all the 3000 people that were present at the gig. Wes Borland was in top shape, running around all the time, making me think how the hell is he able to play the guitar with all that jumping, and running and everything. Wes is the man!
John Otto was on the spot and he even offered a short drum solo (too short maybe). Groovy beats, perfect timing, everything you want at a drummer. Dj Lethal spinned his 'wheels' like no one else, giving us some funny moments too.
Sam Rivers was showing of with his lil' Warwick streamer and those cute little led on the fretboard, that usually add about 800€ to the bass' price :))
And, now, last but not least, Fred Durst. The guy was in top shape. He was all over the stage and he really seemed happy to be here, although it was kinda hard to believe that. Following his Twitter, i saw that he was delighted with the landscapes here, so maybe, he really felt good. I know we did.
His most memorable words were : 'This is not a concert. This is a party. We're here to party with you'...or something like that =)
After the gig ended, we got in Willy's car, listened to some Bizkit tracks, cuz you can never have enough, and, soaking wet, we headed towards my place for a good night sleep. Knowing that the bizkits were staying at a hotel right accross the street, we rushed into the street when we heard a bunch of dudes shouting and whistling. But, false alarm.
Anyway, the gig was great, and the fact that i was there with my buddies Dome, Willy, Dana (who can't be seen in the pic, cause she had the task of taking it)and my beloved cousin Boby made it even better.
And now...waiting for Faith No More, on the 15th of August. Until then, NIN/Prodigy/other Coke Live Peninsula bands, here we come \m/
Almost forgot...Here's a short video...audio quality is not the best, but, at least i'm trying to share :P and yes, they are starting to play AC/DC's Highway to Hell towards the end :D
Cheerioz mates!
At first, we decided to wait patiently in the back, somewhere in the shade, so we didn't get too involved in the Saga gig. Few minutes later i met with my good pal, Cristi, the wonder drummer, and our little gang started to get big =)
At 18.30 (or at least that's what i remember), Queensryche (i hope i typed that correctly) started to play. And the rain started to fall, but most of the people didn't seem to care about that. Queensryche had a nice gig, and they also played some tracks from their new album, but still, they weren't exactly my type, as i'm not in metal that much anymore.
Finally, around 21.00, the moment we've all been waiting for arrived. After a quick intro ( Space Odyssey), the Jacksonville quintette started to rock the house for one and a half hour.
They played all their classics, including My Generation, Livin' It Up, Hot Dog, Break Stuff, Boiler, Eat You Alive. Needless to say, the rain was ignored by all the 3000 people that were present at the gig. Wes Borland was in top shape, running around all the time, making me think how the hell is he able to play the guitar with all that jumping, and running and everything. Wes is the man!
John Otto was on the spot and he even offered a short drum solo (too short maybe). Groovy beats, perfect timing, everything you want at a drummer. Dj Lethal spinned his 'wheels' like no one else, giving us some funny moments too.
Sam Rivers was showing of with his lil' Warwick streamer and those cute little led on the fretboard, that usually add about 800€ to the bass' price :))
And, now, last but not least, Fred Durst. The guy was in top shape. He was all over the stage and he really seemed happy to be here, although it was kinda hard to believe that. Following his Twitter, i saw that he was delighted with the landscapes here, so maybe, he really felt good. I know we did.
Fred Durst, Limp Bizkit Live @ Bucharest from bogdi cristea on Vimeo.
His most memorable words were : 'This is not a concert. This is a party. We're here to party with you'...or something like that =)
After the gig ended, we got in Willy's car, listened to some Bizkit tracks, cuz you can never have enough, and, soaking wet, we headed towards my place for a good night sleep. Knowing that the bizkits were staying at a hotel right accross the street, we rushed into the street when we heard a bunch of dudes shouting and whistling. But, false alarm.
Anyway, the gig was great, and the fact that i was there with my buddies Dome, Willy, Dana (who can't be seen in the pic, cause she had the task of taking it)and my beloved cousin Boby made it even better.
And now...waiting for Faith No More, on the 15th of August. Until then, NIN/Prodigy/other Coke Live Peninsula bands, here we come \m/
Almost forgot...Here's a short video...audio quality is not the best, but, at least i'm trying to share :P and yes, they are starting to play AC/DC's Highway to Hell towards the end :D
Limp Bizkit - My Way live @ Bucharest from bogdi cristea on Vimeo.
Cheerioz mates!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Weird stuff happen in the big city
So there i was, hanging around the windows, with absolutely no suicidal intentions whatsoever, and i couldn't help noticing this old lady who had something to share with the cars. It's been like 2 hourse since she's there and I'd really like to know if she's playing tag with the parked cars, or if she just want to suck the energy out of the car's battery =)
And yet, another victim (ignore big white panel)
She might go for the world record of touched cars in one day.
p.s. New band iz ready! Rehearsals soon.
p.s. no. 2 :6 days, and we gonna see limp bizkit.
Rakendroooooll \m/
And yet, another victim (ignore big white panel)
She might go for the world record of touched cars in one day.
p.s. New band iz ready! Rehearsals soon.
p.s. no. 2 :6 days, and we gonna see limp bizkit.
Rakendroooooll \m/
Monday, June 1, 2009
Faith No More 'teaser'
It's good to know FNM are coming. Actually, can't wait for the concert, although it means more money, but what the heck. I'm not gonna miss it. So, in order to serve my appetite (yours too) here are a few FNM live performances, taken from their 1997 gig in Phoenix.
Rakendroll \m/
P.S. : Only 27 days to go 'til Limp Bizkit, and 75 (i guess) until Faith No More.
Rakendroll \m/
P.S. : Only 27 days to go 'til Limp Bizkit, and 75 (i guess) until Faith No More.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Pimp thy fridge
Life can be boring. And when life is boring, and you don't have your cam near by, you take you Digi Mobile (\m/) and take pics of stuff around the house. Although my kitchen would be a lot more interesting, with all the dishes stacked in the sink, the frying pan and the 'overloaded' garbage bag, i shall present you my one and only, pimped refrigerator.
Note: No refrigerator was harmed during this photo session. Even more, our fridge is not even forced to do it's daily fridge activities, being always empty.
Have a nice refrigeratory day!
Note: No refrigerator was harmed during this photo session. Even more, our fridge is not even forced to do it's daily fridge activities, being always empty.
Have a nice refrigeratory day!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Be aware...be very aware
Multumim domnului Ion pentru consideratie. Oricum, nu prea are ce fura de la mine. Frigiderul e gol, tv-ul e inutil, laptopul sigur nu l-ar lua, daca ar fi atat de destept incat sa se gandeasca in ce se baga (micuta mea rasnita multimedia).
Dar, bine ca am doua incuietori...fiecare efectuand rotatii de 540 de grade :P
I feel safe and all that. So let's hear it for the man of the day, Mr. Ion, the guardian, the observer.
Apropo, toti indivizii dubiosi care se plimba pe la Universitate, watch your back. S-ar putea sa va raportez organului...
Dar, bine ca am doua incuietori...fiecare efectuand rotatii de 540 de grade :P
I feel safe and all that. So let's hear it for the man of the day, Mr. Ion, the guardian, the observer.
Apropo, toti indivizii dubiosi care se plimba pe la Universitate, watch your back. S-ar putea sa va raportez organului...
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Back in some sort of business
There's no place like home, and i know cause now i'm home. And being home can mean only one thing: the mighty DnB squad strikes again :)) It doesn't matter how long you stay, it has to be a jam \m/... here's 'kangurnivool', a some kind of 'tribute' to Karnivool, although has absolutely nothing to do with the band, which by the way, rules... Enjoy! if you can :))
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Good things happen to good people :P
Well...i thought it would be nice to post something around here once in a while, so I decided to let the world know (yea right) what's new around... I finally moved, getting rid of the small town circus i took part in at my old place. Now i can really say that 'there's no place like home'. One of the best parts is that...well, the others are not here anymore, so no more bugging for me, no more people asking for a light at freakin 8.30 am, no more other dumb shit i was trying to ignore back then. Thanks to my good friend and band mate, the artist formerly known as virus :)), here's a little something from the top of my building!
Voila! (you may wanna click the pic to enlarge it )
Judging by the fact that i didn't post about this, i recently bought a new guitar, a Schecter 006 Deluxe, for those who care, and if I reached his subject, well...TA-DAA, F[u] will be recording (or at least we'll try to) a little something we'd like to call an album. It's gonna be rockish/industrialish/drum and base-ish, we have no idea yet, but we will soon start working on it and we're hoping for the best. Speaking of F[u], we can go underwater in Herastrau \m/ :)) (although it's kinda hard to get the point here...there's a sticker under the water...smart, huh?)
And, on the same subject, still being happy for the fact that Faith No More made their reunion official, they'll be coming at Nova Rock, along with bands like Limp Bizkit, SlipKnot, Nine Inch Nails, Sevendust, All That Remains, Disturbed and so on...Metallica too, but i'm not too excited about that. Actually, i'm not excited at all, because i'll miss the festival, as exams are due to that period so..no cool gigs for me...Maybe at Sziget or Volt...or...who knows... (More info at http://www.novarock.at , http://www.sziget.hu )
And...this is all for now...Hope i'll have the mood to post something soon...It's a shame for me, as a wannabe blogger to post so..rarely or whatever the right word is :P
Voila! (you may wanna click the pic to enlarge it )
Judging by the fact that i didn't post about this, i recently bought a new guitar, a Schecter 006 Deluxe, for those who care, and if I reached his subject, well...TA-DAA, F[u] will be recording (or at least we'll try to) a little something we'd like to call an album. It's gonna be rockish/industrialish/drum and base-ish, we have no idea yet, but we will soon start working on it and we're hoping for the best. Speaking of F[u], we can go underwater in Herastrau \m/ :)) (although it's kinda hard to get the point here...there's a sticker under the water...smart, huh?)
And, on the same subject, still being happy for the fact that Faith No More made their reunion official, they'll be coming at Nova Rock, along with bands like Limp Bizkit, SlipKnot, Nine Inch Nails, Sevendust, All That Remains, Disturbed and so on...Metallica too, but i'm not too excited about that. Actually, i'm not excited at all, because i'll miss the festival, as exams are due to that period so..no cool gigs for me...Maybe at Sziget or Volt...or...who knows... (More info at http://www.novarock.at , http://www.sziget.hu )
And...this is all for now...Hope i'll have the mood to post something soon...It's a shame for me, as a wannabe blogger to post so..rarely or whatever the right word is :P
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The terror beyond my door
You're often being amazed about what people can do, the way the think and act, and especially the things that they say, even if they mean them or not. I don't know what was the beginning of this story, but I witnessed a small part of it, although I was hiding behind my very modern looking wooden door :P. I never thought that the things we see on TV can actually be seen in real life, and even if they could be, not so close to me. We all saw those TV shows were a mother and her son have a little argue,each of them throwing nasty words towards each other, but the thing i saw today left me speechless. I'm not capable of judging anyone, and I'll try not, but i'm free to express my opinion. How could two human beings who share the same blood throw death treathenings to each other? How could your son, the one that you, as a mother, gave birth to, start to yell at you and want to throw you out of the house? How could you, as a son, hit your own father, step father, doesn't matter, one that helped you become what you are today? How could a mother have the heart to say that she'll murder her son and his wife with her own hands? For the love of God, calling the police to come after your own mother/son? It'll be an episode that i won't be able to forget too soon, although i wasn't involved at all, but still, what kind of monster can you be? Everytime i see a movie in which parents and their sons/daughters don't get along, I say that this wouldn't be possible. In moments like this i'm grateful that I have a very good relationship with my folks, and boy do I love them. I couldn't never imagine me doing that to them, or them doing that to me. I think that today's 'seed' were the money...and when a family is falling apart because of those little printed paper notes, you definetly know that they have no heart whatsoever...Being far away from home, I started to appreciate everything that my folks did, do, and will do for me, and after this episode, I swear I'll never raise my voice when I'll talk to them. The humanity...I'm calling my folks right now, I miss them...
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Rock Out Loud
For the last couple of days I spent a lot of time with a good friend of mine, the one they call Dome, jamming along and freezing to death while rocking \m/. It's all just a result of extreme boredom, state that from now on shall be known as DnB (Dome and Bogdy).
Our masterpieces can be seen/heard here :
DnB - 3 Chords can be Hardcore
DnB - ...or Something (aka ode to boobiez)
DnB - Headless Horseman of Love (named like this because of the incredible and ingenious alignment of the two cameras...)
So there you have it...Let's hope more boredom will make us jam \m/
Our masterpieces can be seen/heard here :
DnB - 3 Chords can be Hardcore
DnB - ...or Something (aka ode to boobiez)
DnB - Headless Horseman of Love (named like this because of the incredible and ingenious alignment of the two cameras...)
So there you have it...Let's hope more boredom will make us jam \m/
Monday, October 6, 2008
Believe in yourself! Someone has to...
Each and everyday people tell us that we have to believe in ourselves. Nothing wrong about that, but if you try to read between the lines, you may ask yourself a few questions. For example, given the fact that you trust somebody so much you want to do everything for them, you tell them everything, every single detail about your miserable little life...And what do they do? They pretend to care, they act like they really care about you, but the next thing you know, you get stabbed in the back. After that, what could possibly be the only thing that goes through your mind? 'How can i trust somebody who wasn't able to have faith in someone who deserves it?'. That 'somebody' is you... Life seems unfair most of the times, and those who have the role of making it better, the ones generally known as 'friends', are the first ones who betray you. You wake up early in the morning, thinking that you don't belong anywhere. You feel the need to go back to your roots, but what's the use? There's no one out there for you, you stand alone in the dark asking about directions for paradise...No answer...Nobody cares about you, for them you're just another individual who tries to get to the surface. After struggling, you reach the surface and find nothing. You only find yourself in the situation of not having where to go. Why trust anybody? After all, trust is just a thing that makes people feel closer to each other and eventually develop great relationships, that anyway will come to an end. Nothing lasts forever, not even happiness, not even sorrow. No one and no where to go to... So what would be the purpose of life? The purpose of life is nothing else but what YOU and only YOU want it to be. Don't listen to the others, don't try to be someone else, don't follow someone else's dreams. Your ways are the best and no one can deny it. The others don't know what's best for you, even though they pretend they do... Believe in your dreams...They'll never betray you, they'll never lie to you...You'll always have them, no matter what. Nobody can take away your dreams...Follow them and you'll find a place you belong...Just look for it
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Is it fair?
Love is noise...and once the noise is over, this very weird quietness surrounds you and suffocates you. You can't sleep, you just stare and the empty ceiling, maybe hoping that either it will fall on you or receive that phone call that will make you feel better. But none of those will happen. The ceiling will just stay up there, laughing and pointing at you, while the phone call might end up as just another lost dream. When bad things happen, no one will help you..you'll just have to stay there, like a black dot on white sheet of paper, feeling left out and miserable, because you know that you did your best but some people weren't either strong or realistic enough to see that maybe their happiness might be the result of you struggling to turn the world upside down so that they won't feel like not being treated properly. And what do you get? Carelessness, beautiful words thrown in the air, hopes and dreams broken right when you were on the edge of falling into the abyss of happiness. While i'm writing this, maybe that tupid little thing called love has already made another victim. And you just don't seem to get it. Everything goes just great, you forget about all the problems in your life, and most important, you feel that for one person, you mean a lot, and that feeling might give you the wings to fly over absolutely anything. But, this life wasn't made just for our entertainment. God wanted to be able to make fun of us, so he decided to make something that can cut away all this enthusiasm...he named it 'carelessness'. You don't care about how much time has passed, you don't care about the things that we went through to make everything good and most of all you don't care about the moments spent together, the times you were treated like a goddess. You forget that so easily...And after that 'carelessness' occurs, all the good things vanish, so...why would you do your best on this one? Sure, the memories remain, but so do the scars...Scars that carve into your heart a name that you'll never be able to erase, scars that will make you cry everytime you 'see' them, scars that might make your life a living hell. Every song ends, but is that a reason not to enjoy music at all? No, it's not...but whoever decides to compare these two topics, love and music, is a happy mindless freak who has never encountered any problems and who sees life as being pink and pretty... Bullshit...A song lasts for a couple of minutes, and you can replay it as much as you want, whenever you want. Let me see you do that with your life... It's not a matter of minutes, but about months, years, maybe decades that just can't be ignored. And what hurts the most is the fact that you don't want to admit it. You say it's better for both of us, and you just don't want to admit the fact that you are running from the truth, and that you don't have the courage to stand strong and fight. Whenever you see a problem, you run as fast as you can, and just don't care about what you leave behind, all you think about is you. Words meant nothing, actions meant nothing, all the good times meant nothing...I woke up this morning, but maybe it was better not to...The same empty walls surround me and push me around from one to another, but i'm not mad at them...They were the only ones who listened when i had something to say, and they were the only ones receiving punches when i was losing control...It's their right to have a revenge...And all his time, the ceiling is still laughing at me. The ceiling knows i can't reach it now, because i'm small and weak, i'm vulnerable. The phone call...it didn't get here, and maybe it will never get here..Maybe it ended up in somebody else's phone or maybe that number was never dialed. It's autumn...i had plans, hopes, dreams. All of them are gone. They all fell on the ground and everybody sees them, but no one cares about me so much in order not to step on them...Maybe there will be someone...or maybe not. It was nice knowing you, loving you and doing everything for you. I don't regret anything, not even a single second of everything that's been. But i wonder... am i doing anything wrong if i dream that it's not over? Or maybe, this is a dream, and when i wake up, you'll be here with me, holding me in your arms and kissing me. Life is just not fair...
Monday, September 22, 2008
Show yourself...
Show yourself…show me who you really are, what you really think and what you really feel. Put away those glowing masks that you wear just to be someone you know you’re not, someone who you admire for one and only one quality. Be true to yourself…nobody else can be like you are, and if you refuse to be yourself, the world will lose a pure soul, the sky will lose another star and someone out there will lose all his hope. All his dreams, narrowed by one ugly mask which he hates…He knows the real you and he knows who you are. The sad part? You don’t that…You refuse to think that from all those 6 billions of people from this world, you are the only one who means anything to him, and you refuse to take of the mask…Call it alter-ego, call it ‘the process of evolution’, call it whatever you want to call it…It’s not you! And you know it, no matter how hard you try to deny it. It’s not too late…and it will never be, because you know that he still waits for the mask to fall, even though he might wait forever…And why? Because no one can understand love…
'And to be yourself is all that you can do...'
'And to be yourself is all that you can do...'
Saturday, June 21, 2008
hap·pi·ness hæp i nɪs/ Pronunciation Key - [hap-ee-nis –noun
the quality or state of being happy.
good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy.
So…what is happiness? What makes us happy and why can’t we always be happy?
There are over 6.600.000.000 people in this world and maybe even more definitions for this state we like to call ‘happiness’…Each and every one of us has his or her own definition, but, as a general term, we all consider it to be something good that comes out of nowhere…
Some may think that happiness is when you get a new car, or buy some fancy new shoes, when you go to the mall and stare to all those expensive ‘i-can’t-afford’ merchandise and some might think that happiness is when you spend time with someone you love and who means the whole world for you.
I once read somewhere ‘You can’t get happiness if you don’t provide it’, and I gotta say I can’t agree more…Sure, ar first, you will just seem to get along with the fact that everyone around you will try to help you and so, in other words, they’ll try to make you happy…You might never think that, you know, in their human stupidity, they might expect you to do something for them, although they’ll never say it, whether because they are ashamed, or maybe just because they believe you have a sense of rationality. Anyway, the point is that someday, they will need your help…it’s absolutely guaranteed that someday they will need a hand and that they will expect YOU to offer that hand.. But no, why would you do that? Once again, they won’t come and say ‘Hey man, I really need your help’…no..maybe they’ll try to shove it up your posterior (I used a nice word) in the most elegant way they could possibly do it..’Man, something awful happened to me <>, I wish someone could help me’…and you’ll say ‘yea man…I hope you find someone’…WRONG!! You’ll get away from it, pull yourself out of it…but you won’t get rid of it…As kind as this world may seem to be, there will be someone who will tell you that maybe they needed you, but you weren’t there…you’ll feel miserable, no doubts about it…and where would your happiness be right now? Nowhere…YOU CAN’T HAVE HAPPINESS IF YOU DON’T PROVIDE IT…
Jimmy has a new car…he is happy…Billy has a son…he is also happy…Jimmy will be angry when he’ll get drunk and will hit a tree that suddenly appeared between alcoohol steams and jumped in front of him…Who cares? He has insurance…he didn’t pay all that money for nothing… Billy will be grateful when he’ll get drunk and his son will cry because of that…he’ll know that what he did was wrong, and that the tears on his son’s cheeks mean a lot more than a tone of metal spread all over the highway. Billy will know he was wrong, but Jimmy’s friggin insurance company won’t say that…Naaah, as a matter of fact, they might encourage him to do that again…What the hell? Money comes from that…So, in the end, who’s happy? The one who knows he made a mistake, or the one who relies on the insurance company? So…what is happiness? Sure, you’re happy when you purchase something, you’re happy when you graduate, when get married, you’re happy when your son is born, when he makes his first steps, your happy when you move I a bigger house and you know that your child has a roof above his head, you’re happy for his first diploma…you’re happy when he’ll meet his true love, but you’re also happy when he buys his own flat, or his own car… Happiness is a general thing…it doesn’t have anything to do with material or spiritual, but with both…no matter what you do, you can’t have one without the other, and when someone says that money don’t bring happiness, slap him, but in the same time, kiss his forehead for the wise thing he just said…
‘You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.’ (Albert Camus)
the quality or state of being happy.
good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy.
So…what is happiness? What makes us happy and why can’t we always be happy?
There are over 6.600.000.000 people in this world and maybe even more definitions for this state we like to call ‘happiness’…Each and every one of us has his or her own definition, but, as a general term, we all consider it to be something good that comes out of nowhere…
Some may think that happiness is when you get a new car, or buy some fancy new shoes, when you go to the mall and stare to all those expensive ‘i-can’t-afford’ merchandise and some might think that happiness is when you spend time with someone you love and who means the whole world for you.
I once read somewhere ‘You can’t get happiness if you don’t provide it’, and I gotta say I can’t agree more…Sure, ar first, you will just seem to get along with the fact that everyone around you will try to help you and so, in other words, they’ll try to make you happy…You might never think that, you know, in their human stupidity, they might expect you to do something for them, although they’ll never say it, whether because they are ashamed, or maybe just because they believe you have a sense of rationality. Anyway, the point is that someday, they will need your help…it’s absolutely guaranteed that someday they will need a hand and that they will expect YOU to offer that hand.. But no, why would you do that? Once again, they won’t come and say ‘Hey man, I really need your help’…no..maybe they’ll try to shove it up your posterior (I used a nice word) in the most elegant way they could possibly do it..’Man, something awful happened to me <
Jimmy has a new car…he is happy…Billy has a son…he is also happy…Jimmy will be angry when he’ll get drunk and will hit a tree that suddenly appeared between alcoohol steams and jumped in front of him…Who cares? He has insurance…he didn’t pay all that money for nothing… Billy will be grateful when he’ll get drunk and his son will cry because of that…he’ll know that what he did was wrong, and that the tears on his son’s cheeks mean a lot more than a tone of metal spread all over the highway. Billy will know he was wrong, but Jimmy’s friggin insurance company won’t say that…Naaah, as a matter of fact, they might encourage him to do that again…What the hell? Money comes from that…So, in the end, who’s happy? The one who knows he made a mistake, or the one who relies on the insurance company? So…what is happiness? Sure, you’re happy when you purchase something, you’re happy when you graduate, when get married, you’re happy when your son is born, when he makes his first steps, your happy when you move I a bigger house and you know that your child has a roof above his head, you’re happy for his first diploma…you’re happy when he’ll meet his true love, but you’re also happy when he buys his own flat, or his own car… Happiness is a general thing…it doesn’t have anything to do with material or spiritual, but with both…no matter what you do, you can’t have one without the other, and when someone says that money don’t bring happiness, slap him, but in the same time, kiss his forehead for the wise thing he just said…
‘You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.’ (Albert Camus)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Here goes nothing...
La sugestia unei prietene, am decis sa imi 'populez' blogul si cu altceva decat versuri scrise in 10 minute, pe timp de noapte...so...here goes nothing
Pana cand o sa am inspiratie si o sa scriu ceva cu adevarat interesant...try this
Rollercoaster Rush
Jocuri de aventura! Ajuta copii din trenulet sa se distreze cat mai mult pentru a aduna cat mai multe puncte pe parcursul celor 15 nivele.
Pana cand o sa am inspiratie si o sa scriu ceva cu adevarat interesant...try this
Rollercoaster Rush
Jocuri de aventura! Ajuta copii din trenulet sa se distreze cat mai mult pentru a aduna cat mai multe puncte pe parcursul celor 15 nivele.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Feeling lost again
Stuck between these two worlds that never seem to end
I can only feel the rain
Flying above all the dreams, forgetting all this pain
Lying on the ground
People whiping their feet and pushing me around
I need to feel this gap
Memories that fade away and never coming back
Defeated by their God
I'm walking between graves but i can only see the fog
I heard their stupid lies
So tired of being the blind man who sits alone and cries
The footsteps in the sand
Have disappeared and now I crawl trying to reach your hand
The apple from that tree
Just blame the fruit for our wish of setting ourselves free
The angels call my name
The devils try to reach me and the clowns will start their game
Fallen on my knees
I take a deep breath and I know I cannot be deceased
It all happens in my mind
The flesh, the skin and bones are waiting for the end of time
And as the sky awaits
I turn to see a God that gently handles all our fates
Stuck between these two worlds that never seem to end
I can only feel the rain
Flying above all the dreams, forgetting all this pain
Lying on the ground
People whiping their feet and pushing me around
I need to feel this gap
Memories that fade away and never coming back
Defeated by their God
I'm walking between graves but i can only see the fog
I heard their stupid lies
So tired of being the blind man who sits alone and cries
The footsteps in the sand
Have disappeared and now I crawl trying to reach your hand
The apple from that tree
Just blame the fruit for our wish of setting ourselves free
The angels call my name
The devils try to reach me and the clowns will start their game
Fallen on my knees
I take a deep breath and I know I cannot be deceased
It all happens in my mind
The flesh, the skin and bones are waiting for the end of time
And as the sky awaits
I turn to see a God that gently handles all our fates
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Smiles...tears...hidden fronteers
A tear...a fading smile appears on your frightened face
The memories that used to be are gone without a trace
I feel stranded here, back in my own nest
For you I always tried to do only what's the best
What about loving someone without established fronteers
What about believing that every smile hides some tears
What if those tears could heal all my bleeding scars
But what if those scars are as many as the falling stars?
Maybe a fading smile could make me dream again,
Or maybe my memories will help me win this foolish game
Maybe erasing all the past and denying the truth
Maybe that's the only way that'll make me feel like i should
But i guess my name is nothing but pain on your tongue
If i could turn back time, repair what used to be wrong
This is so hard for me, i just can't say 'Goodbye'
I can't believe your gone, i guess i need another lie
I wish i could go on without you here with me
Maybe i need someone that will set me free
Believing in some God that might suddenly appear
Just like a tear or a smile, behind those hidden fronteers...
The memories that used to be are gone without a trace
I feel stranded here, back in my own nest
For you I always tried to do only what's the best
What about loving someone without established fronteers
What about believing that every smile hides some tears
What if those tears could heal all my bleeding scars
But what if those scars are as many as the falling stars?
Maybe a fading smile could make me dream again,
Or maybe my memories will help me win this foolish game
Maybe erasing all the past and denying the truth
Maybe that's the only way that'll make me feel like i should
But i guess my name is nothing but pain on your tongue
If i could turn back time, repair what used to be wrong
This is so hard for me, i just can't say 'Goodbye'
I can't believe your gone, i guess i need another lie
I wish i could go on without you here with me
Maybe i need someone that will set me free
Believing in some God that might suddenly appear
Just like a tear or a smile, behind those hidden fronteers...
Friday, September 7, 2007
Lucruri complicat de..simple
o vorba calda, ce te-alinta, si pare sa te-ajute
dar in final, tu realizezi, doar una intre multe
ramas intins, pe patul rece, departe de priviri
oftezi usor si vrei sa fii departe de-amintiri.
o mana rece te atinge, te cheama-n asfintit
te face sa regreti iar faptul ca singur te-ai mintit
si-o urma de regret in suflet deodata iti apare
dar ca o stea, in zori de zi, la fel de brusc ea moare.
o lacrima ce curge, spaland al meu pacat
e patima ce-ascunde ce sunt cu-adevarat
orbit de-a mea furie, ce n-o pot controla
aud doar voci ce-mi spun ca e mai bine asa.
imi vad de viata, merg 'nainte, si n-am deloc regrete
nu-mi pare rau c-am fost vazut de mii de priviri bete
si nestingher, ca-ntotdeauna, ma-ndrept spre nepasare
astept, aici, fara motiv, sa-mi vad iar sufletul cum moare.
dar in final, tu realizezi, doar una intre multe
ramas intins, pe patul rece, departe de priviri
oftezi usor si vrei sa fii departe de-amintiri.
o mana rece te atinge, te cheama-n asfintit
te face sa regreti iar faptul ca singur te-ai mintit
si-o urma de regret in suflet deodata iti apare
dar ca o stea, in zori de zi, la fel de brusc ea moare.
o lacrima ce curge, spaland al meu pacat
e patima ce-ascunde ce sunt cu-adevarat
orbit de-a mea furie, ce n-o pot controla
aud doar voci ce-mi spun ca e mai bine asa.
imi vad de viata, merg 'nainte, si n-am deloc regrete
nu-mi pare rau c-am fost vazut de mii de priviri bete
si nestingher, ca-ntotdeauna, ma-ndrept spre nepasare
astept, aici, fara motiv, sa-mi vad iar sufletul cum moare.
La fel...
acelasi om, mereu pierdut, uitat in amanunte
acelasi scop, mereu uitat...o viata-ntr-alte multe...
sunt tot acelasi, neschimbat, un oarecare zeu
dar ma intreb dac-am ramas copilul ce-l stiu eu...
sunt tot la fel de melancolic, la fel de vesel, sunt tot eu
si totusi uit...si iert si sufar atunci cand imi e greu...
sunt tot acelasi, ce saruta mana care-l hraneste
cel care nu vrea sa se schimbe, dar ceasul nu se-opreste...
acelasi vis, neimplinit, sperantele desarte
acelasi om ce cauta, o mana ca sa-l poarte...
dar alte timpuri, alte ganduri si alte mii de fapte
si totusi...nu's alti oameni, doar mii de vise moarte...
acelasi scop, mereu uitat...o viata-ntr-alte multe...
sunt tot acelasi, neschimbat, un oarecare zeu
dar ma intreb dac-am ramas copilul ce-l stiu eu...
sunt tot la fel de melancolic, la fel de vesel, sunt tot eu
si totusi uit...si iert si sufar atunci cand imi e greu...
sunt tot acelasi, ce saruta mana care-l hraneste
cel care nu vrea sa se schimbe, dar ceasul nu se-opreste...
acelasi vis, neimplinit, sperantele desarte
acelasi om ce cauta, o mana ca sa-l poarte...
dar alte timpuri, alte ganduri si alte mii de fapte
si totusi...nu's alti oameni, doar mii de vise moarte...
I hate...green
i hate your little mean green eyes
i hate them, 'cause they told me lies...
i hate it when you look at me
i hate your big green smile
because i know that deep inside
my name's just a green file...
i also hate when i believe
that green is what you are saying
i hate that when i go to sleep
i'm left with green... and praying...
i hate to see all these green doors
and so, i hate to wait
for those two mean green eyes to close
and see that green's my fate...
it's always green, it will be green
and green from now 'til then
my happiness will still be green
'cause green doesn't mean hell...
you're green no more, nothing to hate...
but still...i know that soon
you're mean green eyes will be the same
on that green autumn afternoon...
i hate them, 'cause they told me lies...
i hate it when you look at me
i hate your big green smile
because i know that deep inside
my name's just a green file...
i also hate when i believe
that green is what you are saying
i hate that when i go to sleep
i'm left with green... and praying...
i hate to see all these green doors
and so, i hate to wait
for those two mean green eyes to close
and see that green's my fate...
it's always green, it will be green
and green from now 'til then
my happiness will still be green
'cause green doesn't mean hell...
you're green no more, nothing to hate...
but still...i know that soon
you're mean green eyes will be the same
on that green autumn afternoon...
Unknown feelings
i can't seem to understand why
in the morning, my angel will die
I can't see no reason to try.
'Cause once again, my soul will start to cry
i'm starring at you now, although you're so far away
my scars won't stop from bleeding, i'm begging you, please stay
in a corner of my mind, you are lying on the floor
wake me up before you will walk through the back door
please tell me what i have done wrong
i can't pretend anymore i'm feeling strong
all my feeling are distorted, not a chance
i tried my best to save something from this romance.
you were my queen but someone's stolen your crown
another chance to prove me that you're letting me down
all my dreams are gone with no hope
i feel my life hanging from a thin rope
and i'm looking at you straight in the eyes
all these moments were nothing put pure lies
there's a thing i just can't get out of my head
will i ever have the strength to forget
all the bitter feelings that run through my veins
i keep trying but the memory remains
my heart is beating, tied to all these rusty chains
and just like that, my life's not over, it begins..
i'll live my life in this world full of you
and i'm afraid there's nothing else that i can do
you're named is carved in my heart by my tears
i realize i got rid of all my fears
i don't wanna see you near me anymore
just let me sleep, start to think about that door.
in the morning, my angel will die
I can't see no reason to try.
'Cause once again, my soul will start to cry
i'm starring at you now, although you're so far away
my scars won't stop from bleeding, i'm begging you, please stay
in a corner of my mind, you are lying on the floor
wake me up before you will walk through the back door
please tell me what i have done wrong
i can't pretend anymore i'm feeling strong
all my feeling are distorted, not a chance
i tried my best to save something from this romance.
you were my queen but someone's stolen your crown
another chance to prove me that you're letting me down
all my dreams are gone with no hope
i feel my life hanging from a thin rope
and i'm looking at you straight in the eyes
all these moments were nothing put pure lies
there's a thing i just can't get out of my head
will i ever have the strength to forget
all the bitter feelings that run through my veins
i keep trying but the memory remains
my heart is beating, tied to all these rusty chains
and just like that, my life's not over, it begins..
i'll live my life in this world full of you
and i'm afraid there's nothing else that i can do
you're named is carved in my heart by my tears
i realize i got rid of all my fears
i don't wanna see you near me anymore
just let me sleep, start to think about that door.
Trapped inside myself, all alone
Sick of being injury prone
People always passing me by
I don't understand why
I am living a lie!
Misheard voices inside my head
Places that I'll never forget
Memories I can not erase
All gone without a trace
Can't find my place!
I've felt the anger
Ignored the danger
And then moved on.
I'll start to pray
Someone will save
My life from this ash-tray...
Unable to believe all these lies
See the world through everyone's eyes
I am blind, I can't feel the pain
I'll never finish this game
All went down the drain!
Planning to escape from this hell
Wondering why others do well
Why can't i get rid of this pain
Loosing all that i gained
I am going insane!
Sick of being injury prone
People always passing me by
I don't understand why
I am living a lie!
Misheard voices inside my head
Places that I'll never forget
Memories I can not erase
All gone without a trace
Can't find my place!
I've felt the anger
Ignored the danger
And then moved on.
I'll start to pray
Someone will save
My life from this ash-tray...
Unable to believe all these lies
See the world through everyone's eyes
I am blind, I can't feel the pain
I'll never finish this game
All went down the drain!
Planning to escape from this hell
Wondering why others do well
Why can't i get rid of this pain
Loosing all that i gained
I am going insane!
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