Friday, September 7, 2007

Lucruri complicat de..simple

o vorba calda, ce te-alinta, si pare sa te-ajute
dar in final, tu realizezi, doar una intre multe
ramas intins, pe patul rece, departe de priviri
oftezi usor si vrei sa fii departe de-amintiri.

o mana rece te atinge, te cheama-n asfintit
te face sa regreti iar faptul ca singur te-ai mintit
si-o urma de regret in suflet deodata iti apare
dar ca o stea, in zori de zi, la fel de brusc ea moare.

o lacrima ce curge, spaland al meu pacat
e patima ce-ascunde ce sunt cu-adevarat
orbit de-a mea furie, ce n-o pot controla
aud doar voci ce-mi spun ca e mai bine asa.

imi vad de viata, merg 'nainte, si n-am deloc regrete
nu-mi pare rau c-am fost vazut de mii de priviri bete
si nestingher, ca-ntotdeauna, ma-ndrept spre nepasare
astept, aici, fara motiv, sa-mi vad iar sufletul cum moare.

La fel...

acelasi om, mereu pierdut, uitat in amanunte
acelasi scop, mereu uitat...o viata-ntr-alte multe...

sunt tot acelasi, neschimbat, un oarecare zeu
dar ma intreb dac-am ramas copilul ce-l stiu eu...

sunt tot la fel de melancolic, la fel de vesel, sunt tot eu
si totusi iert si sufar atunci cand imi e greu...

sunt tot acelasi, ce saruta mana care-l hraneste
cel care nu vrea sa se schimbe, dar ceasul nu se-opreste...

acelasi vis, neimplinit, sperantele desarte
acelasi om ce cauta, o mana ca sa-l poarte...

dar alte timpuri, alte ganduri si alte mii de fapte
si's alti oameni, doar mii de vise moarte...


i hate your little mean green eyes
i hate them, 'cause they told me lies...

i hate it when you look at me
i hate your big green smile
because i know that deep inside
my name's just a green file...

i also hate when i believe
that green is what you are saying
i hate that when i go to sleep
i'm left with green... and praying...

i hate to see all these green doors
and so, i hate to wait
for those two mean green eyes to close
and see that green's my fate...

it's always green, it will be green
and green from now 'til then
my happiness will still be green
'cause green doesn't mean hell...

you're green no more, nothing to hate...
but still...i know that soon
you're mean green eyes will be the same
on that green autumn afternoon...

Unknown feelings

i can't seem to understand why
in the morning, my angel will die
I can't see no reason to try.
'Cause once again, my soul will start to cry

i'm starring at you now, although you're so far away
my scars won't stop from bleeding, i'm begging you, please stay
in a corner of my mind, you are lying on the floor
wake me up before you will walk through the back door

please tell me what i have done wrong
i can't pretend anymore i'm feeling strong
all my feeling are distorted, not a chance
i tried my best to save something from this romance.

you were my queen but someone's stolen your crown
another chance to prove me that you're letting me down
all my dreams are gone with no hope
i feel my life hanging from a thin rope

and i'm looking at you straight in the eyes
all these moments were nothing put pure lies
there's a thing i just can't get out of my head
will i ever have the strength to forget

all the bitter feelings that run through my veins
i keep trying but the memory remains
my heart is beating, tied to all these rusty chains
and just like that, my life's not over, it begins..

i'll live my life in this world full of you
and i'm afraid there's nothing else that i can do

you're named is carved in my heart by my tears
i realize i got rid of all my fears
i don't wanna see you near me anymore
just let me sleep, start to think about that door.


Trapped inside myself, all alone
Sick of being injury prone
People always passing me by
I don't understand why
I am living a lie!

Misheard voices inside my head
Places that I'll never forget
Memories I can not erase
All gone without a trace
Can't find my place!

I've felt the anger
Ignored the danger
And then moved on.
I'll start to pray
Someone will save
My life from this ash-tray...

Unable to believe all these lies
See the world through everyone's eyes
I am blind, I can't feel the pain
I'll never finish this game
All went down the drain!

Planning to escape from this hell
Wondering why others do well
Why can't i get rid of this pain
Loosing all that i gained
I am going insane!